Friday 1 August 2014

Longchamp, London

We have often wondered if anyone would pick up on the 'Love Lock' or 'Love Padlocks' theme when we first saw them on the Ponte Milvio bridge in Rome over a decade ago.  The craze of course can now be seen the world over although so many of the old bridges have begun to show signs of collapsing.  In fact in some cases there have been reports that the railings have serious deteriorated, so much so that the various authorities are now encouraging people to tie a ribbon instead of padlocks.  The name of the two lovers of course is usually inscribed on the padlock which is locked to the bridge, post or whatever is seen to be a romantic spot and the key to the lock is thrown into the river (or in some cases over the edge of the building).   Longchamp have picked up on the theme using padlock props of varying sizes so we can now tick that one off as done. Tick.

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