If you happen to be along Oxford street this week, you must have seen these absolutely fun windows from Selfridges. Mannequins sprayed in a Blue finish with Red and Blue wigs surrounded with posters screaming Hot Wang's, Prada Burgers, Hot Herve and Fendi Kebabs. I have always wondered, not so much about Fendi Kebabs, or Prada Burgers, but what if Fendi did weddings or Gucci did funerals what that may look like? Wouldn't it be bizarre if these incredible brands actually offered these services? In the meantime, swing by Selfridges and check out their windows with neon signage, toys from yesteryear, a rickshaw and homage to Alice in Wonderland. The only disappointing element about these windows is the Chanel scheme either side of the main entrance (image below). Of course, these kind of windows pay huge dividends to these department stores and I bet they cost a lot too. However, if I were looking at this scheme from the visual teams point of view, my toes would be curling at the thought that the latest, and lets be honest, drab Chanel scheme interrupted the flow of this fun concept. It must have really stung discovering they had been sold.....ouch.