
Tuesday 15 December 2015

David Yurman, New York

If you like your jewellery from the luxury end of the market then look no further than David Yurman.  As a local to Manhattan, advertising campaigns with the likes of Kate Moss and collaborations with his wife Sybil his biography makes for interesting reading.  We often find with smaller brands that they don't always make much of an effort with their windows, maybe its the time involved in producing schemes and the energy so often sapped from actually running a business makes it all so much more difficult.  That said, their icy landscape (with a bit of taxidermy thrown in for good measure)  makes this brands windows look so interesting, particularly as showing jewellery has its own inherent difficulties.  Big spaces and small products are just not that easy to show unless you have showcase windows (think Tiffany etc.).  If you happen to be at the top end of Madison then do swing by and take a close look.

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