
Thursday 13 January 2011

B Store, London

Do you ever wander along Saville Row?  I must admit that its not the kind of place that's on my mind as a destination for shopping.  Well known of course for its tailored suits of exceptional quality to the Kings, Princes, Dukes of the world and I guess more recently city slickers and those with enough money to buy into the history of this street.  However, while Aberzombie (my mis-spelling) has moved into the old Jil Sander store which if I remember correctly was originally an old bank at one end of the street, there still is a beacon of hope at the other in the form of B Store.  OK, well, I must confess I know nothing about this brand / store to share with you, however the presentation is so interesting.  With their museum-like artefact's lined up in their window space and their abstract figure as their focal point announcing the bleeding thumb whittling club cut in vinyl and placed on the glass I was drawn in to take a closer look.  Unfortunately I was in a rush (as is London life) and on my way to see one of my clients so I didn't have time to take a closer look.  Next time I'm in the area , I will certainly make the time to go in and  have a closer inspection, but in the meantime, just enjoy this interesting installation.