
Wednesday 25 August 2010

Two Point Nine Design, Australia

Its always so interesting to find new contacts within this industry and a wonderful pleasure enabling people behind them to communicate their work on this site particularly from a global perspective. With seventeen years experience under his belt, Michael McBean has recently launched Two Point Nine Design in Melbourne, Australia. “Small businesses particularly, as well as large corporations in Australia are realising the importance of Visual Merchandising within their stores in enabling them to maximise their sales.” In addition to this “Clients witness financial growth within their business”, says Michael. Michael enables retailers to create stimulating and visually exciting environments – a much needed creative input to so many brands out there in the world. To date clients have included Cradle Rock (children’s vintage on-line retailer), Borders as well as a variety of other influential Australian brands with future projects planned for a Fashion Vintage store. I am really excited that Visual Merchandising is being taken seriously beyond the major influential design capitals of the world such as New York, London and Tokyo, so I guess watch this space and I’m sure Melbourne will be one of our next destinations in search of inspiration and creativity. If you happen to be in Australia and you need a consultant Michael McBean at Two Point Nine Design needs to be one of your must have contacts. Contact Michael :-

Dior, London

I saw this scheme at Dior in New York recently from the images sent by my colleague in New York and loved it immediately. These 'clouds' of what appear to be ping pong balls, ironically similar to the molecular structure of water are suspended within this scheme either hovering above the merchandise or carrying merchandise itself. And as in the image above, a fully dressed mannequin. The simplicity and sophistication of this scheme is incredible. While this scheme has been here along the Dior store in Sloane st. for some time now, I haven't had the opportunity until now to recorded it for you. However, this is definitely their best scheme for 2010.